Our Story
Heelers4Heroes / Heelers4Hope is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Ohio for the purpose of breeding, rescuing, and training Australian Cattle Dogs to become Psychiatric Service Dogs.
We proudly serve veterans, first responders, and civilians ALIKE.
We train dogs for PTSD/TBI, Autism Assistance, and Psychiatric Assistance. Additionally, we will cross train for mobility issues and hearing disabilities.
We purpose breed
Australian Cattle Dogs “Heelers” to produce litters of vibrant puppies specifically suited for life as a Service Dog. From three days of age, we employ neurological stimulation, holding, stroking, and various environmental stimulators such as household noises, different surfaces, and children to desensitize the pup.
We birth and raise these puppies in our very own home environment - the same environment in which they will spend the rest of their lives with YOU. We DO NOT raise pups in kennels or barns or fenced in areas away from humans.
During the first weeks
of their lives, they enjoy family night with us and our pack of dogs every evening.
Pups learn manners and balanced behaviors from our pack of dogs. Early socialization with other dogs reduces dog aggression so prevalent in today’s canines.
Early bonding with the Handler (You) between 11 and 16 weeks of age, combined with early and immediate basic training in public access creates and unbreakable bond with his/her new Handler, a true miracle of nature and nurturing.
All puppies undergo a specialized Puppy Aptitude Test to determine suitability as a Service Dog, while observing them daily in our home allows us to identify traits and characteristics which we match appropriately to the individual Handler’s lifestyle.
We consider dog size
Traveling in an airplane or Uber compact car with an 80 pound dog by itself is a challenge, throw in some luggage or a small child and it’s almost impossible!
Unless you are a Handler that requires mobility tasks, it is not necessary to have an 80 pound Service Dog. Accordingly, our strains of dogs range in size from 25 to 70 pounds upon maturity.
Before going any further,
you need to ask yourself if a Service Dog is right for you?
Some of the pros can be cons in disguise; a double-edged sword. You cannot train a dog to be by your side and monitor your mental state of mind and body chemistry 24 hours a day, then leave him/her at home. To them, this is punishment!
A Service Dog is a long-term solution; many dogs can perform their duties for over ten years. You need to think this through and ask yourself “where will I be ten years from now and what changes am I going to go through between now and then?”
These changes may include your employment situation. Just because your employer today is accepting of your Service Dog in the workplace doesn’t mean that will be the situation four to six years from now.
Additionally, just because the law states that employers and housing have to make reasonable accommodations and businesses have to allow public access, to think this occurs every time without a struggle and some stress in in Never-Neverland reality.
Sometimes your dog will draw unwanted attention; something that those of us with anxiety try to avoid.
The Bottom Line
A Service Dog equates to work and commitment. This is not a stuffed animal you can set on your dresser when you grow tired of it.
The other side of the coin is that my dog continuously monitors my emotional state and environment, then independently decides when I need comfort, confidence or caution.
He is always loyal and faithful, he always, ALWAYS has my six, and doesn’t care what we do or where we go, as long as we do it together!